The New Millenium will be the Millenium of the Building of the New Kingdom under the God of All's Power. There is no human who can ignore the Presence and the Authority of the Creator
who is the One who designed the human and the whole life on Earth.
It is time for humans to rebuild the whole planet and create a New Civilization which will be different from those in the past where humans did abuse, steal, destroy and kill each other and rebelling so against God.
There will be created new cities everywhere in the planet. They will be build first in those free lands, which often are left ignored, because they are to dry and there is no water and life in it.

Than the new world order cities will be build in the lands which are polluted holding dirty cities and in other lands of the old system, old civilization. Most of the world forest and natural
parks which are left will be protected,untoched or perfected. The new cities will be small and there will be big glass buildings, new man-made parks and lakes, and big zoo with those animals who live in large spaces in their own specific climats. There will be created new gardens, rivers and highways around the cities to communicate so the people with other cities and the natural parks, hills, mountains, beaches, seas, oceans etc. Each new city will have big buildings of the recreations and activities inside the city and the large one between the cities. Each person will have his/her own apartment and work only 2 hour per day inside the selfgoverned city and spend so the rest of the day with travelling and with other activities.
Communication will be very fast using the sunlight, electric, magnetic,water and other sources of the new free energy. There will be use new and fast flying sources and the fast new trains and cars to travel in a very short time between cities, states, nations, continents, underwater, air etc. The food and agriculture will be produced mostly in closed glass buildings, protected, controlled and perfected always in the high quality. Tecknology, manifactures, warenhouses and industry will be located underground and they will be run mostly by robots working 24 hours, eleminating the pollution and producing only best quality and necesary things or planned and needed goods. Humans will spend most of the time creating the new robots and creating new quality goods and healthy food for the humans and animals which will be always monitored and under protection. Underwater life will be always explored, visited, protected and monitored also.
Humans, birds and animals will not be anymore under the threat of each other, of the diseases, pollution and the bad food and poisons. There will not be really an world army, but sofisticated weapons to be used to protect the planet life in case of the threats and Earth destraction. There will not be really big governments, burocracy, corporations, banks, mafia, criminals, homeless and victims. In the new cities there will be police, judge and government to serve and protect the citizens in each new world order city. There will be only the electronic money to be used for well paid of the people for their 2 hrs work to buy goods and needs. There will not be produced bad quality or unhealthy cheap goods and food anymore.
The new world order cities will be soon planed, desinged and start building. There is no other choice for the Humanity today but to build a new Civilization, New Earth. Man has destroyed so much himself by destroying fo a long time the planet, overpolluting, poisoning and experimenting with the whole nature; humans, animals, plants, water, land, food, products etc.
It is time to start living like new beings, like human, and not as beasts. It is time to stop the Big Rebellion, destraction and the anihilation of everything that exist in the planet Earth.
That's enough.
If the humans are going to continue their selfdestraction and suicide, their blindness and stupidity, they will collapse soon in the grave that they all did dig specially in the last 300 years.
It is time for the human animals to become humans, and respect themselves, Earth and God.
There is nothing to wait and fear anymore. The Devil is in the sick human brain. It is time to cure the Humanity and rebuild the Temple Earth, the Creation of the King of All; the God of All.
1 comment:
The New Millenium is like a Sign for a New Time, New Beggining, Rebirth of the Humanity. This is thee last chaance that humans have to change and survive. If they refuse their salvation now, they are all dead.There will no bee Lifee for them anymore. Earth and God will burn the Big Dirt and the Garbage which smell for so long.
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